The NESPA Foundation helps children learn about water safety and how to swim so they can stay safe while having fun in the water. Your support assists the Foundation in achieving its mission of expanding access to aquatic skills and water safety education in our region.
Your donations fuel local swim programs, equipping children with the lifesaving skill of swimming. Water is everywhere, and keeping children safe in and around the water is crucial. For kids ages 1 to 4, learning to swim from a qualified instructor drastically reduces the risk of drowning by 88 percent.  
Your $1 = $4 for swim lessons! The NESPA Foundation will match your donation, and then Step into Swim or Every Child a Swimmer will match it again. Donate to the NESPA Foundation, and your gift will QUADRUPLE its impact! 


Quadruple your donation with matching funds from the NESPA Foundation, Step into Swim, and Every Child a Swimmer!

Harness the power of your community connections to raise even more money to support learn-to-swim programs.

Know a swim school doing great things in your community? Nominate them for a NESPA Foundation grant!